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Glenda Pope
Creative Partner

Writer, Spokeswoman, Talent Showcase Specialist, Image Designer:  Co-Owner Glenda Pope brings the dynamics of a wordsmythe and major event planner to our enterprise.  Combining degrees in English and Divinity, she offers the polish and poetry of a published journalist/essayist.  Her command of the English language has been showcased in events ranging from weddings and professional retreats to TEDx speaker showcases.  

Her role as a college and university professor has allowed her to stay abreast of the written rhythms of youth and their engagement in social media of the modern age.  Glenda honed her writing and speaking skills through ministry and teaching; now she applies those talents with our clients to produce multimedia promotionals and public and private events that provide image and spark to client visions. 

She has worked across genres with local-to-international performance artists in staging conferences for audiences ranging from teens to twilighters.  Her design skills have been featured in public street events, private parties, and children’s gatherings, where everything from ski slopes and weddings to Super Bowl bashes and “suds fests” have produced a sense of wonderment that dazzles the human spirit for clients and their target audiences. 

Whatever the event, Glenda Pope brings professional panache to any party or event.  Most importantly, Glenda believes that God has called her to help build and strengthen community wherever He leads her.  What better way to do so than through love and laughter as we “come to the table.”

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